Where to use this panic exit bar:• Glass doors with a stile (metal frame) of at least 1 1/2"• Steel, wood, and composite solid face doors• Doors with a maximum width of 40"• Doors with a maximum height of 7'• Doors of any thickness• Any door usage frequency• Dual doors without mullions. Either two of this bar for doors that are independent of each other or this bar paired with a 2000 Series panic bar• When there is an overlap or when you need one door to have outside access through a handle
Where not to use this panic exit bar:
Features and Inclusions:• Rim type, simple surface mounting• Narrow Stile Vertical Rod • Includes steel strike for top and bottom of the door frame and vertical steel rods• Can be used right or left-handed• Available in red or aluminum finish
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Optional products associated with this bar (purchased separately):2000 Series panic exit bar with outside handle. This panic bar can be turned by an outside handle but because it does not have a locking capability for the outside handle it is not a product we typically sell with it. (the lock on the outside of the door would not lock the handle from being opened) Since this panic bar is used primarily in a dual door application you can use the 2200 series on one door and the 2000 series on the opposite door. The 2200 series top and the bottom latch will lock one of the doors closed to the frame and the 2000 series bar would lock the second door to the first door. The 2000 series panic bar can be paired to an outside handle and thus this setup can give secure outside access using a 2200 series.
Door Closer. There are a couple of variations of door closers with a few different features however the main purpose is the same; to make sure the door stays closed. Because this door will always latch to the strike this is a popular addition to ensure the door stays closed and locked.
Manual: Install2000BQB ID: 2200S-R