Works with Sentry Safety Handles ONLY
Take a look at our selection of Door Handles Here (Under Level Handle Lock)
Where to use this panic exit bar:
• Glass doors with a stile (metal frame) of at least 1 1/2"• Steel, wood, and composite solid face doors• Doors with a maximum width of 40"• (If purchasing outside handle) Doors with a maximum thickness of 2"• Any door usage frequency• Single doors, Dual doors with mullions, Dual doors without mullions when paired with a 2200 Series Panic Exit Bar
Where not to use this panic exit bar:
• Not UL certified, don't use if UL certification is needed for inspection. Click here for UL rated bars• Not fire rated, not to be used on a fire break. Click here for a fire-rated bar• Cannot release a magnetic door lock, if the door is held locked by a magnetic lock do not use this panic bar. Click here for a micro switch panic bar• Does not have dogging, do not use this bar if door must be able to disengage the panic bar latch from engaging the strike when the door is closed. Click here for a panic exit bar with dogging
Features and Inclusions:
• Rim type, simple surface mounting
• Includes steel strike for door frame
• Can be used right or left handed
• Available in red or silver finish
• Single point narrow stile cross bar

Exterior View with Optional Handle

Trimming the panic bar to size:
The actual bar that goes between the two handles is provided ready for sizing. To shorten the bar simply cut it with a hack saw or miter saw to the length needed. Then attach it to the handles.
| offers more expert access control assistance than anyone. We have carefully selected entry control devices for all scenarios so you can put together a kit that is not only cost-effective but has all the components, and only the components that you need. Don't overspend buying a system with controls you won't use or compromise functionality forgoing components you need but are not part of other retailers' pre-designated kits. If you need help deciding if this access control device is part of the right solution for your business we have live application specialists available 9 am - 9 pm EST 7 days a week or send us an email 24/7 and we will gladly assist. |
Changing from right or left hand mounting:
With this panic exit bar, it is very simple to change between right and left-hand mounting. The lever on the handle can simply be flipped into the opposite position without tools and then mounted. makes a pro of the small business owner. We specialize in DIY installation because we know that as a small business owner every penny saved helps. We have developed customized instructions, videos and offer a full spectrum of accessories to truly cover all aspects of the installation of your entry system. Also, we have the largest staff of factory-trained technicians in the US. |
Latching and mounting:
This panic bar is surface mounted. The panic bar will be placed on the rear face of the door. The strike goes on the door frame behind the door, not on the inside of the frame where you may have previously had a handle. If the door has a handle that will need to be removed. Caps are available for the hole left behind after the handle is removed. Door jamb brackets are also available to cover where the old handle latched to the frame. Mounting bolts are provided however depending on the material of the door you may switch to the same diameter in wood screws, self-tapping metal screws, or for added strength - sex bolts. (Sex bolts have a female side on the outside of the door and a male side on the inside of the door and then they join in the middle of the door. Since both faces of the door are used for securing the bar it makes for a secure hold.) has the resources you need. How do you use your entry system once you get it? is the only retailer to give a real answer to this question. We have developed videos for understanding many of our door entry components and products and write DIY focused manuals for most entry system accessories.
Optional products associated with this bar (purchased separately):
Outside door handle with key release. If you need access from outside you must buy this accessory or the door will only be able to be opened from the inside using the panic bar. The handle is key lockable. The key is a non-momentary release, if you unlock the door on the outside to operate the handle you must then relock the door for the handle to not open the door. Some keys you can turn and they are spring-loaded to return to locked position however this is not one of them. The key will not disengage the panic bar, only engage or disengage the handle, which then the handle disengages the panic bar.
Surface Mounted Electric Strike. This is another method for releasing the door from outside or a remote location. The electric strike replaces the provided mechanical strike. When the electric strike is not being triggered the panic bar engages. However, when you trigger the electric strike with an access device the door can then be pulled open from the outside. An access device can be a keypad, a card reader, an intercom, a desk push button, a receiver/remote control or even a GSM cell phone receiver. Keep in mind if you purchase the electric strike you will also require a pull handle for the outside of the door and access devices.
Door Closer. There are a couple of variations of door closers with a few different features however the main purpose is the same; to make sure the door stays closed. Because this door will always latch to the strike this is a popular addition to ensure the door stays closed and locked. has actual experience. We have a testing area, we have factory and internal training courses, we have installed this equipment on our properties, we attended industry trade shows in multiple countries, and we pay visits to our chosen manufacturers' factories. All these factors are what lead to us having so many exclusive additions. When you see and use as many products as we have you tend to have many ideas for minor changes that have major impacts. We acted on these ideas and have utilized them to help thousands of customers create entry control solutions that work for their unique applications. |
Manual: Install2000A
Manual: Install2000B
QB ID: 2000S-R